Cecelia Ahern – The book of tomorrow

Raise in the laps of luxury, spoiled, tempestuous sixteen-year-old Tamara Goodvin has never wantet for anything – and has never hat to think about tomorrow. But when her world is irrevocably shaken by her father’s self-imposed death, she and her mother are left devastated, drowning in debt and forced to sell everything and move to the country.
Stuck in a tiny house with her strange uncle and aunt – and her mother locked in a back room, grieving – Tamara’s tomorrows suddenly seem bleak and grey. But soon, a large leather-bound book with a locked gold clasp that she discovers in a traveling library promises to rock her universe – for what’s written inside is not only impossible and magical…it’s her future.

Erste Meinung:
Im Rahmen von Anne von Catbooks “Reading Challenge” habe ich mir nun Cecelia Aherns “The Book of tomorrow” vorgenommen. Bisher habe ich ihre Bücher immer nur auf Deutsch gelesen, aber bereits die ersten Seiten habe mich auch für die Originalsprache begeistert. Ich freue mich schon auf die weiteren Seiten und mache mich mal wieder ans Lesen.

Erster Satz: “They say a story loses something with each telling.”

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